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Hi Sir/Mam,

I am stuck in a very very big problem. I have got a huge bill of Tele-2 calling. But the situation was really out of my control. I won't say I feel like crying, but I have actually cried many times, due to stress as I have lost my job, and on same time my Ex-wife gave me extra bill from the divorce, and now this unintentional bill of calling is making me cry. :(

I was calling out of Netherlands and my mobile already had issues and the phone fell down leading to increase in existing issue of mobile, due to which I couldn't disconnect the call and do other things, and I started getting panicking extremely at that time, and unable to think what to do 😞 Due to which the call went for too long, giving me almost 100 euros bill. I literally don’t have money for proper food, so I would be thankful to you for my whole life if you could waive off or at least give me some discount on this bill.

P.S: I am new to Netherlands, living alone and don't know much Dutch(Using Google Translator)

Mahmood Khan

What a strange story. Why did the person that you were calling not end the call after you dropped your phone? After all there are two persons involved in a call. Did they drop their phone as well causing them to be unable to end the call as well?


I have a few tips for you. If you don't have money for proper food, you need to prioritize and not make calls outside of the Netherlands. Actually it's better not to have a subscription at all. Use a prepaid card and only make calls when really necessary, and use free wifi internet available in many places, for example in supermarket, public library to contact people abroad using free apps like whatsapp, skype, facetime etc. That's the way I do it as well. In the past two years, I've only used €0.70 of my prepaid call credit that way (of which 40 cents was just to make sure the prepaid card would not go inactive). That is food on the table right there.