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Change of subscription to a higher speed

  • 19 maart 2020
  • 7 reacties
  • 425 x bekeken

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  • 7 reacties

Hello Tele2,

My current contract ended last November, how can I change to a higher speed package? because it cost the same amount that im paying right now with my package. Or its just better to cancel my subscription and get a new one?

Thanks in advance :)

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7 reacties

Hi Arturo,

Good to hear that you want to renew your subsciption with Tele2. Did you use our zipcode check to see what’s available on your address? If so you can renew your subscription by following those steps. There isn’ t a reason to cancel your contract instead of just renewing.

If there’s any questions please let me know,

Greetings, Kevin

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  • 20 maart 2020

Thank you Kevin ,

I currently have the 20 internet speed with tele2 and I would like to go up to 100, does this mean I need to get a new setup from T mobile? also where to return the modem or such?

In the link, it says I can go up a 100 but in the Tmobile page I cannot put my Add. they only show the B add but not a B2, but apparently all the letters in my complex have access to T-mobile.

 sorry for all the questions haha thanks again!

Since you have your customer number in your profile I was able to look into it. In your case if you want a faster connection it will indeed become a T-mobile Fiber. Your address with addition B2 is recognized by KPN, which means you should be able to upgrade. You can also see for yourself here:

If you don’t have an option to select B2 then the best thing to do is call the sales department on 0800-1602, they will be able to assist you further.

In time you will receive a returnbox with instruction on how and what you need to return to us.


Arturo schreef:

 sorry for all the questions haha thanks again!


No problem, happy to help!

  • Auteur
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  • 20 maart 2020

That will do it , thanks a lot for everything! have a nice one!

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  • 20 maart 2020

Hello Kevin back again,

Just talked to them and they cannot see the B2 ( talked with 4 departments and I think they just see what's in the webpage), is it possible that they just see the B but not the B2? or is any way that you can just share my connection directly from them? or any other alternative? Im at a point that it doenst matter if I get the 50 megas or the 100 megas haha (prefer 100) :P as long as I get it

thanks again!

  • Auteur
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  • 7 reacties
  • 20 maart 2020

or in case that we can't just change to T-mobile how can I just update my subscription to have the new price from the current connection? thanks a lot :)

Considering the problem seems to be in a T-mobile system there's unfortunately not much I can do about it. Did they give you a reason why they don't recognize it? Either way I think it might be because there's no Fiber connection point installed in your home, might that be the problem?

I've sent you a private message with info if you want to renew your current contract.